Yoga, the word derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj, means to unite. Yoga is a common practice these days where people started getting its importance in their daily life. A daily practice of yoga whether its asana or meditation practice can help the practitioner in many ways physically, mentally, and emotionally. Everyone should take out the time from their hectic busy schedule and started giving importance to their body which is an only companion of yours throughout life.
Yoga has been practiced for hundreds of years, and it has only given benefits to society. Yoga does not only make you strong inside out but also has the power to give relaxation to the mind and body through its different relaxing asana and powerful techniques of meditation. Only after practicing asana and meditation, one realize the importance and union of body, mind, and soul. Yoga can also be practiced in several health conditions where you will get benefits by doing regular practice. There is no age barrier to performing this practice.
We all know that this body is our temple and taking care of this is our duty. Yoga, in any possible way, gives benefits to the practitioner. Regular practice of yoga helps in improving strength, flexibility, immunity, relief body pains, calms you which helps you in getting good sleep, inner peace, and self-observation, and so on.
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Best Ten Yoga Asanas with Names and Pictures
1. Tadasana
Tadasana or palm tree pose is a standing yoga asana to increase height where you have to stand on your toes and stretch your hands up. It is also a foundational yoga pose used to prepare for different asana. It will help you to enhance your posture. One of the very important asana for kids to improve their concentration and increase height.

- Best yoga asana to increase height.
- It gives a good stretch to your whole body.
- It increase the mental health and physical balance.
2. Titaliasana
Titaliasana or Butterfly pose is practiced to make your inner thighs, hips flexible, loosens your lower back. Titaliasana is done by joining the sole of the feet together, bring them closer to the pelvic muscles, and moving your knees up and down. This asana is also performed as a relaxing asana after legs stretching exercises.

- Benefit your reproductive organs
- Loosens your back, hips and thigh muscles
- Good for pregnant women
3. Parvatasana
Parvatasana or Mountain Pose is a common practice to stretch your hamstrings, works on your shoulder and back. This asana is performed by making a mountain position where your legs are together, hips up. This asana gives a very nice stretch to those who have stiffed hamstrings after prolonged running and cycling.

- Strengthens the nerves and muscles in the back
- Regular practice can improves your lungs capacity
- Stretch ligaments and muscles.
4. Vrikshasana
Vrikshasana or tree pose is a standing balancing asana performed with the intention to enhance concentration, balance, and relaxation. This asana is good for the beginners and advanced practitioners of yoga alike to begin any routine. This asana is practiced by finding balance on one leg and place the other leg on the inner thigh of other leg.

- Strengthens thighs, calves, ankle & spine
- Stretches the groin& inner thighs, chest & shoulders
- Improves sense of balance
5. Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana or Head to knee forward bend is a sitting asana where it gives a good stretch on your lower back and back muscles of your leg. The goal of the pose is to fold the body in order that the head moves towards the knee by keeping one leg straight and other leg bends towards the inner thigh of the straighten leg.

- Calms the brain & helps to relieve mild depression.
- Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings & groin
- Stimulates the liver, kidney and reproductive organs
6. Bhujangasana
Bhujangasana or Cobra pose is a backward bending asana helps in improving and deepens breathing. This asana helps to make spine flexible, remove backache and keep the spine supple and healthy. To perform this asana lie down flat on your stomach, and with inhale slowly raise your arch up with the hands down on the mat.

- It tones the ovaries and uterus.
- Alleviates constipation
- Benefits all the abdominal organs.
7. Pawanmuktasana
Pawanmuktasana or Wing Relieving pose as the name explains, a posture that helps in relieving gas. To perform this asana lie down on your back, bend both knees and bring the thighs to the chest. It is good for women as it is good for menstrual disorders and reproductive organs.

- strengthens the lower back muscles
- Good for abdominal and digestive organs
- Massages the pelvis muscles and reproductive organs
8. Paschimottanasana
Paschimottanasana or Seated forward bend is a seated yoga asana that helps in stretching the lower back and spine muscles. This asana requires bending forward with the leg outstretched. It stretches the hamstrings, back muscles, shoulders. It is a full-body stretch.

- Increase flexibility in the hip joints
- Tones and massages the abdominal and pelvic organs
- Stimulates circulation in the nerves
9. Setubandhasana
Setubandh asana or Bridge pose is a Sanskrit name that refers to the bridge. It acts at the backbone and nerves and as a result, is good for the body and mind. This asana helps in increasing the power of the back and waist. To perform this asana, bend both knees, catch your heels and lift your hips up to make a bridge.

- Stretches the chest and lungs
- Strengthens the arms, wrist, legs, buttocks, abdomen and spine
- Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands.
10. Gomukhasana
Gomukhasana or cow face pose receives its name because the thighs and calves of the individual resemble a cow’s face. This pose is a seated pose that requires flexible thighs and shoulders. This asana alleviated tiredness and anxiety. Gomukhasana also can be performed to relieve stiffness in the shoulders and neck.

- Stretches the ankles, hips and thighs
- Stretches shoulders, armpits, triceps and chest.
- It stimulate the internal organs of your digestive system.
These are the ten yoga asana that one has to perform in daily life to be fit and healthy. These 10 asanas include stretching, balancing, and strengthening. Start practicing these asanas, and see the difference in your physical, mental and emotional health.