Why would I write a guest post?
There are several reasons why guest posting is such an important strategy for bloggers.
It increases your exposure to new audiences who may not have encountered you or you’re writing before. When you write interesting, engaging articles about topics relevant to them, they will follow your link and read more of your content.
Guest posting also improves your search engine ranking as you will receive a backlink to your site. Google and the other search engines see this as an endorsement of your site. Experts estimate the SEO (search engine optimisation) benefit to your site is 6 times greater when guest posting compared to writing on your own site.

Write for Onlinebloghub
Write for us: Onlinebloghub is offering an opportunity to submit a guest post. We are looking for passionate content writers and guest bloggers to write for us in the following niches like Finance, Business, Techology, Travel, Social media Marketing, Online Marketing, Digital Marketing, SEO, Health, Food, Entrepreneurship and many more. Do you have expertise on a topic that you would love to share with our audience? These are a great way to share your experience and advice with others so that they can start and grow their business.
Article Categories we welcome.
- Business
- Technology (Internet of Things, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Etc)
- Automotive
- Human Resource (Payroll, HR, HRMS, HRIS, Attendance, Recruitment)
- Travel
- Pets / Animals
- Food
- Shopping
- Lifestyle
- Education
- Digital Marketing (SEO, SMO, Pay per click, Online reputation Management)
- Entertainment

Guest Posting Guidelines:
Our site accepts original content only. Plagiarism is strictly impermissible. Once an article is submitted, we retain first publication rights and the right to reuse or modify content. As a guest contributor, content submissions are unpaid. Featured writers and experts will benefit from attribution, maximized exposure to our global readership and one backlink in their bio. All submissions should be:
- Between 700 – 1500 words.
- All images should be original, licensed or public domain. (No copyright infringement please)
- The articles should be easily readable and divided into sections with subheadings.
- We like lists and tutorials and advice for small business.
- Finally, all links in the post should be to relevant and quality websites.
- Please include an author byline.
- We appreciate you linking back to your post in your future articles – so please write something worth linking to.
We are selective about what posts we publish. Your writing should be well written, interesting, unique and informative.
How to submit
Once you have checked that all the guidelines above are met, please email your article and with a relevant images to parker.alen01[@]gmail.com
We will publish all articles which meet the above guidelines but reserve the right to decline articles which we do not feel meet the guidelines. We also reserve the right to adjust articles where necessary to help improve the reader’s experience.
Sponsored post:
To publish sponsored posts/reviews/promotions on our website. Please drop an email regarding sponsored post opportunity by filling up this form