Whey protein is very much popular among muscle builders and fitness enthusiasts. It helps you to gain muscle, lose fats. Whey protein increases stamina and builds endurance. Besides being a great source or protein whey is also rich in other nutrients. Many studies were conducted on whey and according to researchers, whey is one of the best sources of protein for building muscle.
Whey protein is obtained from milk. Milk is a good source of two proteins, Whey and Casein. Whey is found in the liquid part of the milk, The liquid part of milk usually separates during cheese production. This liquid is called Whey. This liquid whey is processed and made powder. After processing whey becomes a tasteless and flavorless powder with a lot of protein.
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Types of Whey protein-
There are different types of whey protein available. You can easily buy whey protein online through various portals.There are different types of whey proteins available in the market. Some have lower protein content(25%-30%) and some have a higher amount of protein(80% to 90%).
Isolate has the highest amount of protein. It has 90% protein and very little amount of fat and lactose sugar or milk sugar. The minus point if whey isolate is that does not contain other nutritional benefits found in whey.
Concentrated Whey protein
This is the most concentrated form of whey protein. It has nearly 80% protein and also contains a little amount of lactose sugar(milk sugar). It is said that this whey protein has the best flavor. You can buy whey protein online India or whey concentrate supplements atan affordable price.
This type of whey protein is commonly known as hydrolyzed whey protein. It is pre-digested so that our body can absorb it faster.
How whey protein supplements affect muscle mass and strength?
It is a well-known fact that whey proteins are good if you want to build muscles. It is also very popular among athletes, bodybuilders, fitness models, celebrities and people who want to gain muscle. But how it affects muscle mass building? How way protein helps is muscle gaining are-
- Whey protein stimulates the production of anabolic hormones. This anabolic hormone like insulin stimulates muscle growth and muscle building.
- Whey protein is a great source of protein and other essential amino acids. These amino acids and proteins are needed for muscle building. Hence, whey supplies the base material of the muscles.
- Whey is enriched with a particular amino acid Leucine. Studies have proven that Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis in the molecular and genetic level of a cell. Whey is very effective if it is taken before or during or after a workout session. It also can maximize muscle protein synthesis after a workout session.
- Whey is easily digestible. Our body absorbs it very fast. Besides that, our body can use the whey protein very easily compared to other kinds of proteins.
While whey is a good source of protein it is not suitable for everyone. Those who have lactose allergy must avoid it. Vegans who don’t drink the milk also keep away from using whey. But overall, it is a very popular source of protein.