Most of the time, keeping your face oil-free can be extremely difficult, especially if you have a lot of outdoor activities included in your daily work. If you have an extremely oily skin, it means that the sebaceous glands of your skin are overactive.

Though some men may not rank it, oily skin can cause a lot of pimples and acne breakouts and dull skin. As a result, you will find yourself to be not very presentable for the next business meeting in your office.

But did you know that there are many natural ways to get rid of the oiliness from your skin and get a fresh and oil-clear skin? Here are the ways how you can do that.

Use honey

There are many natural products that can help you get rid of the excess oil from your skin. You can use natural honey for this purpose as it has some antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. It can also control acne breakouts.

For this, you need to apply honey directly on your face and let it sit for around 10-15 minutes. Once it dries, rinse off with cool and clean water. Pat dry your face with a soft towel and you will see a clean and oil-free face.

Egg whites and lemon help too

You probably know that lemon and all other citrus fruits can help in absorbing oil from the face. Plus, the egg whites can help in tightening the skin pores, preventing excess oil secretion.

Take one whole egg white and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the face and let it dry. Once done, wash it off your face with warm water. Do this at regular intervals to control excessive oil from your face.

Use a sunscreen

A sunscreen may include a lot of artificial ingredients but trust me, they help a lot in controlling excess oil from the face when you have the sun to tackle. Though they don’t directly absorb oil from your face, they help by bringing a matte layer that makes your face look more presentable.

Select cosmetic products that are made for oily skin

Any given cosmetic product always comes for specified skin type. Ideally, any product that is meant for the oily skin does not leave behind the greasy layer. However, do not overdo any of the cosmetic products just because they control oil.


If you have an oily skin, it is most recommended to wash your face twice or thrice daily to remove the oil that gets deposited on your skin. However, just like any other factory-made products, you should not overdo this as well as the harmful soaps and detergents may take away the essential oils and also damage the skin.

Use a good face wash

Perhaps, a charcoal face wash for oily skin is the best answer to this question. The best charcoal face wash can be purchased over the counter or online. Some of the ingredients that you should look for in an oil-controlling face wash are activated carbon (charcoal), Ylang Ylang oil and Argan oil.

There are many products available already that can help you get rid of the excess oil from your skin. Something like a Charcoal Face Wash with Ylang Ylang and Argan should do the trick for you.

Prevent the oily skin

Majority of the cases of oily skin results from genetics and in such cases, the prevention on a long-term is difficult. However, if you can take good care of your skin by performing the above cosmetic actions, it may help you get rid of the oiliness temporarily.

But you should not overdo any of the cosmetic products which may harm your skin adversely.

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