A typical French Mastiff, is a very strong dog, with a very muscular body. This muscular dog is used for sled work, hauling heavy loads, and herding livestock. During the 1960s, a group of Mastiff breeders in France, led by Raymond Triquet, worked to rebuild the breed’s foundation. This standard was the basis for the standard written for the AKC in 2005.
The French Mastiff is a well-proportioned, muscular and large dog with a strong build. The distance between the deepest point of the rib cage and the floor is slightly less than the depth of the rib cage. A large head with proper proportions and features is an important trait of this breed. This breed is a bit low to the ground and not as tall as the British Mastiff.
The French Mastiff’s body is stocky, with a slightly sloping upper body and a slightly rounded chest. The front legs should be straight and heavy-boned, resting on the ankles, down to the feet as close together as a cat’s. The tail is straight, begins thick at the base then tapers to the end, is not lowered below the ankle, and is raised and lowered. Breeds must be raised in a completely natural condition with their ears, tail and dew scales intact.
Breed standards prescribe a minimum weight of 45 kg for females and 50 kg for males. There is no officially published maximum weight, but dogs should be proportioned to the general standard of their breed type and shape.
The standard specifies that the desired size, as an adult, should be between 24 and 27 inches for males and 23 to 26 inches for females.
The large head is an important feature of this breed. It is claimed that the French Mastiff has the largest head in the canine world, in proportion to the rest of the body. For males, the circumference of the head, measured at the widest point of the skull, is approximately equal to the height of the dog at the shoulder (shoulder). For females, the circumference may be slightly lower. Viewed from the front or from above, the dog’s head forms a trapezoid with the longer upper line of the skull and the shorter line of the lower jaw, forming parallel sides of the trapezoid. Low and powerful jaws.
Dogs should always wear a black or red mask that stands out from the rest of the coat around and under the nose, including the lips and around the eyes. The color of the nose in a red-masked dog must be brown, in a black-masked dog it must be black.
The muzzle should not be longer than one-third of the total length of the head and not less than one-quarter of the length of the head, which is the ideal point between the two poles. The upper lip hangs much above the lower jaw.
The Dog’s upper lip hangs above the lower lip. The neck skin is loose, forming a visible frill, but not like the skin of the Neapolitan Mastiff. The ears are small on the top of the head, but not long and dog-like.
The Standard stipulates that the coat should be “short, smooth and soft to the touch”. Coloration varies from fawn (light red, bronze) to mahogany (dark red, brown) with black, brown, or red masking, although red masking is correct for crossbreeding. White markings are allowed on the tips of the toes and on the chest, but white on any other part of the body is considered an error and is disqualified if the pigmentation extends beyond the neck.
French Mastiff Price in India
French Mastiff Puppy Price (Basic)Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 55,000
French Mastiff Puppy Price (KCI registered ) Rs. 55,000 to Rs. 70,000
French Mastiff Puppy Price (Show Quality ) Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1,00,000
The French Mastiff is generally good-tempered. They are often described by some standards as a “gentle giant”, based on their stocky appearance, short and strong, but having a cute and gentle personality. This breed is known to be the most relaxed and happy dog when lounging around in the house and spending time with the family. They are usually very devoted to their owners, and although considered a calmer breed.
Like other mastiff breeds, the French Mastiff has a strong personality and is very stubborn. This, combined with their natural strengths, makes rigorous training important from an early age. This includes proper socialization so that they are not likely to be aggressive toward other dogs or strangers.
We recommend that you do not let this dog become the leader of the family. It would be difficult to handle such a dominant dog in this scenario. It also adds to the fact that you have to be careful leaving this dog alone with young children and the elderly. Despite being a loving, protective and gentle breed when provoked, even a puppy can bring an adult to the ground. These dogs do not understand their own strength and can cause damage in undesirable situations.
Why Do We Love French Mastiff?
Contrary to their muscular build, the French Mastiff is a lazier breed. As puppies, they tend to go from calm and cute to very tough, but as they get older, they’re almost completely out of that.
They enjoy playing, walking and lounging on the couch with their loved ones, although they tend to snore very loudly and drool a lot. They are happiest when surrounded by their family and will lie on your feet and lean on you as often as they can.
Playful, affectionate and friendly, the French Mastiff makes a great companion, whether kept outside or as an apartment dog. The French Mastiff is the perfect blend of activity, kindness and intelligence, this breed was developed for play. Here’s everything you need to know about the price of the French Mastiff in India.